Bucket Lists are a popular thing these days. You can search the internet and find lots of family bucket list ideas. Usually this involves places you would love to visit or things you would like to do. It’s fun to create a bucket list!
But have you ever thought about creating a Christian bucket list for your family that involves your faith in God? Things that you can do with your family to help strengthen their faith and their relationship with Jesus. This is a great activity to do with your family that will help you keep your focus on God.

What is a Christian family bucket list?
So, what exactly is a Christian family bucket list?
A great way for families to put a Christian spin on the bucket list ideas is to create a list of things that help them study the Bible together, as well as become great disciples and serve the community.
A faith-inspired family bucket list would include things such as:
- Bible study challenges
- volunteer opportunities
- prayer challenges
- evangelistic challenges

Christian Family Bucket List Ideas
What are good ideas for a bucket list that families can do together that help them to grow stronger in their faith? Here are 20 ideas for you to consider adding to your family bucket list:Memorize one Bible verse a week (or month)
1. Memorize one Bible verse a week
Try this 12-Month Family Scripture Challenge. Each month has 30 Bible verses related to the theme of the month. Pick 4 or 5 out of each month to memorize.
2. Read a devotion together every morning (or night)
Sitting down together as a family to read the Bible and a devotion is a great way to open discussion about faith in God. If you’re in need of a family devotional, check out my book, Breakfast with Jesus.
3. Create a family prayer jar and it fill it with requests. Pull one or two out each night and pray for them.
A family prayer jar can be made out of something as simple as a mason jar. Or you can find a larger box or jar and decorate it. Add to the prayer jar every night when you sit down to eat dinner together. And pray for each request.
4. Attend church more consistently
Life gets super busy at times. Between sports games, vacations, and other things, we sometimes get out of the habit of going to church. Look at your schedule each month and try to make a goal to attend church more.
5. Volunteer at church together
Your church is always looking for volunteers! Families can serve food at a Wednesday night supper, be ushers, help decorate the church for Advent, read Scripture together in a service, help serve communion, and so much more. Contact your pastor to see how your family can serve in the church.
6. Play worship music in your car
Crank up the worship music in the car and enjoy praising God together all week!
7. Teach your kids about tithing to God
Teach your kids at a young age about giving back to God. A great way to do this is by letting them put money in the offering plate each week.
8. Focus on one Bible story a week. Read that story and discuss all week.
Pick a Bible story to read each week then spend the week discussing it.
9. Have family worship nights at home
If your family loves to sing and dance, open up YouTube and search for worship songs for kids. I love Cool Worship Kids!
10. Talk about your God sightings each day. Have kids name ways they have seen God that day.
A great time to talk about God Sightings is at dinner time!
11. Say a blessing over your children
For a great book about speaking blessings over your children, check out The Family Blessing by Rolf Garborg.
12. Forgive each other
Families spend a lot of time together. And often times that means we fight or don’t get along…which means we have a need to forgive one another.
13. Start a family gratitude journal
When we can write down the things that we are grateful for, we can start to see how much God provides for us and blesses us. Teaching our children to be grateful is so beneficial for them!
14. Hang a family prayer list on the fridge. Write “answered” over the top of it when God answers your prayer.
Use this Family Prayer List to help your family see the many ways God answers our prayers!
15. Do a random act of kindness for someone
Brainstorm with your family ways you can show kindness to someone you know. Then do it!
16. Invite your pastor and their family over for dinner
This is a great way for your family to get to know your pastor!
17. Play Bible Trivia games
Bible Trivia games are fun and are a great way to help your children learn the Bible! You can find some good ones on YouTube.
18. Invite a friend to church
Have a friend that doesn’t go to church? Invite them to join you one Sunday for a worship service!
18. Go on a hike in God’s creation
Family hikes are fun and are a great way to spend time in God’s creation and enjoy the beauty of all that He has created.
20. Go to the grocery store and buy items needed for your local food pantry.
This is a great way to teach your children about helping to feed those in need. Contact your local food pantry and see if they are in need of certain food items.
Bucket lists are a great way to set goals for your family not only in fun things to do and places to go, but also in helping you stay focused on God. You can do fun things and still learn more about the Lord.
Don’t forget to download this printable list of faith-inspired family bucket list ideas to keep handy!
More Bucket List Ideas for your Family