Family Prayer List

by Vanessa Myers
Family Prayer List

Our nation is in a state of fear, worry, and anxiety. And kids feel the effects of all this! That’s why I believe that it’s so very important for families to come together and pray. Children learn from their parents. When parents set the example by bringing the family together to pray every day, this will help children remember that God is with us through everything.

An easy way to keep track of your family’s prayer concerns is to write them down. I have created this printable Family Prayer List for you to use with your families. Print this out (as many sheets as you like), hang it on your fridge, and then sit down together with your family and write down people you want to pray for. This Family Prayer List has a column for prayers and a column for praises. Write down the names of people who your family wants to pray for. Then write down the praises your family wants to thank God for. Then pray! Right then! Allow time for each member of your family to pray as well. Each day or week, add to that list. When your prayers have been answered, go back and check them off or put a big smiley face over it. This will help your family see how God hears us and answers us.

I believe it’s also important to remind our children that God hears us, but that God knows what is best for us. Sometimes God will answer in a way that is different from what we ask, and that’s okay. And usually that way is far better than what we could ever imagine.

Praying together as a family is vital for your family to continue to be strong in their faith. Keep praying together. And sit back and watch God strengthen your family’s faith.

Want a great prayer to pray as a parent? Check out this Parent’s Prayer I found in an old church bulletin.

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